Caringbridge : Brett Hansen-Begg
By : Greta & Alan Hansen-Begg
The updates from the past week have shown great improvements in Brett. Starting last Friday Brett started blinking his eyes normally. He is alert during the day and sleeps at night. Lately his blood pressure readings have been stable and he is making movements on his own. He can also respond to the verbal commands that the nurses give him. On Monday he made the move from Hennepin County Medical Center to Gillette Children's Specialty Hospital. He is going through the rehabilitation center to make his recovery. A few weeks ago Greta was encouraging Brett's Friends to come visit him "I know that he is extremely determined to snap out of this and wake up. everyone who has came to visit and support him have definitely lead him to improvements so keep it coming!" I strongly agree with this quote of her because i could even see reactions in Brett when i went to see him, he knows that people who love him go and see him. We all know that he is making a recovery and is going to be back to the old Brett very soon!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Comparing 2 Characters
The two characters in Animal Dreams that I am going to describe are Codi and Emelina. An adjective that describes Emelina is a homely person, she has lived in Grace since she graduated high school and has gotten married and started a family of her own. A adjective that describes Codi is dependent, Codi still feels like she does not belong anywhere and has not gotten married or a had a real job yet. She is in the process of finding where she belongs and where "home" is. Busy is another adjective that describes Emelina, she always has her hands full with all her kids. Codi on the other hand has time to just pick up and move and start a new job when she feels she needs to. Codi is also secretive, she never really talked to her dad about her miscarriage and she never told Loyd about it either. Another adjective to describe Codi is educated, although she did not finish med school, she still has been to a lot of college. I do not remember the book saying that Emelina ever went to college, that in some sense she is the opposite of Codi in that area. Emelina is ordinary, she lives in a small town with her kids and her husband, nothing really out of the blue. Differently Codi seems like somewhat of an outcast, she is very tall and in high school she did not really have that many close friends. So there are many ways in which Codi and Emelina are very different, yet they still are friends.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Outside Reading

Caring Bridge - Brett Hansen-Begg
By: Greta and Alan Hansen-Begg
The outside reading that I have been doing lately is on a website called Caring Bridge, this website is a place for families to blog about loved ones that are in critical illness. My friend that I met at camp 2 summers ago got in a car accident on Friday August 29th very early in the morning and has been in a coma since then. For the past 3 weeks, his mom and dad have been keeping the blog updated on his current progress. A few friends of mine and I have gone to Hennepin County Medical Center to visit with his family and friends and to see Brett. He has had a lot of progress since the accident and is making a good recovery. The most recent update was about how his lungs and heart are heathly. Also that the doctors are putting him on a stimulant to help him sleep through the night and be alert during the day, and that Brett is now off the ventalator and is now breathing on his own. The doctors are still saying that all he needs is time, so we all are hoping that Brett makes a full recovery and is back to the old friend we love. :)
By: Greta and Alan Hansen-Begg
The outside reading that I have been doing lately is on a website called Caring Bridge, this website is a place for families to blog about loved ones that are in critical illness. My friend that I met at camp 2 summers ago got in a car accident on Friday August 29th very early in the morning and has been in a coma since then. For the past 3 weeks, his mom and dad have been keeping the blog updated on his current progress. A few friends of mine and I have gone to Hennepin County Medical Center to visit with his family and friends and to see Brett. He has had a lot of progress since the accident and is making a good recovery. The most recent update was about how his lungs and heart are heathly. Also that the doctors are putting him on a stimulant to help him sleep through the night and be alert during the day, and that Brett is now off the ventalator and is now breathing on his own. The doctors are still saying that all he needs is time, so we all are hoping that Brett makes a full recovery and is back to the old friend we love. :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Adjective Paragraph
An adjective that best describes me is loyal. My friends know that I am a person to come to if they nee help of advice or just need someone to talk to. I realize how important it is when someone cares about me, so i like to return the favor. Having friends that can trust me helps my overall relationships. I tend to think about others before thinking about myself. I value strong friendships and do my best to keep them.
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