Caring Bridge - Brett Hansen-Begg
By: Greta and Alan Hansen-Begg
The outside reading that I have been doing lately is on a website called Caring Bridge, this website is a place for families to blog about loved ones that are in critical illness. My friend that I met at camp 2 summers ago got in a car accident on Friday August 29th very early in the morning and has been in a coma since then. For the past 3 weeks, his mom and dad have been keeping the blog updated on his current progress. A few friends of mine and I have gone to Hennepin County Medical Center to visit with his family and friends and to see Brett. He has had a lot of progress since the accident and is making a good recovery. The most recent update was about how his lungs and heart are heathly. Also that the doctors are putting him on a stimulant to help him sleep through the night and be alert during the day, and that Brett is now off the ventalator and is now breathing on his own. The doctors are still saying that all he needs is time, so we all are hoping that Brett makes a full recovery and is back to the old friend we love. :)
By: Greta and Alan Hansen-Begg
The outside reading that I have been doing lately is on a website called Caring Bridge, this website is a place for families to blog about loved ones that are in critical illness. My friend that I met at camp 2 summers ago got in a car accident on Friday August 29th very early in the morning and has been in a coma since then. For the past 3 weeks, his mom and dad have been keeping the blog updated on his current progress. A few friends of mine and I have gone to Hennepin County Medical Center to visit with his family and friends and to see Brett. He has had a lot of progress since the accident and is making a good recovery. The most recent update was about how his lungs and heart are heathly. Also that the doctors are putting him on a stimulant to help him sleep through the night and be alert during the day, and that Brett is now off the ventalator and is now breathing on his own. The doctors are still saying that all he needs is time, so we all are hoping that Brett makes a full recovery and is back to the old friend we love. :)
wow i love you too gdubs or gragra. ha you would! and quality paragraph also right there...i think im going to redo mine and put that picture up of us 3. no i AM going to do that. love ya
wow that was such i nice paragraph to read that was such an amazing thing to do!!
An interesting read that I've never heard of. Sounds like a caring environment for people in need and the thesis is well tackled.
I heard about that! I hope he recovers quickly!
that sounds like a neat blog to look at. How did you find out about this?
sorry that your friend was hurt. hope he recovers soon! and that was a nice paragraph!
That's really nice of you. Hope Brett feels better
that was really well written, i hope he gets better soon. it is really great you went to see him.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Brett but i'm glad he's doing better and hope his recovery keeps going well!
One of my friend's sister died of cancer when she was fourteen, she had a caring bridge site to keep everyone updated until the night she died, i love that you are letting everyone know about the website!
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