Caringbridge : Brett Hansen-Begg
By : Greta & Alan Hansen-Begg
The posts made by Greta and Alan lately have been very positve. Since Bretts move from Heppin County Medical Center to Gillette Children's Specialty Hospital he has been making so many improvements. The most recent improvemnts are: Brett is able to hold a mark and color on paper, mostly scribbles but he was intructed to write the letter "B" and he drew a lower case "b" ! Another accompishment of Bretts is using vocal communcation. If a nurse or his mother or vistiros ask him a yes or no question it normally takes him abouut 5 - 15 seconds to respond back with a "un huh" or "nah huh" . Another achivement he has made recently is starting to eat normal foods bits at a time, he enjoys food that is soft and easy to eat like, ice cream and cottage cheese. His improvements have been making eveyone hopeful. His strength is shinning through and he is on the road to recovery! YAY BRETT!
A link to his website is: http://www.caringbridge.org/cb/viewHome.do
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