Caring Bridge : Brett Hansen-Begg
By: Greta and Alan Hansen- Begg
By: Greta and Alan Hansen- Begg
Brett's improvements have been increasing greatly in the past week. Since my last post about Caring Bridge I have gone to Gillette Children's Hospital to see him. Just lately he has not been fighting his mom when she tries to brush his teeth. 3 days ago Greta had to put a bite block in Brett's mouth to keep it open while she brushed his teeth but now Brett will keep his mouth open when told to. He also has been eating foods like ice cream and applesauce with out coughing and he swallows it right away! Another accomplishment Brett has made in the past few weeks is answering simple yes and no questions correctly by nodding his head or pushing buttons that say yes and no. Something else connected to Brett answering questions is that he is now able to answer them faster. His comprehension level of what is going on around him is increasing, and his brain is quicker to respond. Keep the improvements coming Brett!
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