Monday, November 17, 2008

Outside Reading

Caring Bridge : Brett Hansen-Begg
By: Greta & Alan Hansen-Begg

A new goal was set for Brett, spontaneous smiles. Normally he will smile if someone says Brett show me your smile! But just the other day his mom counted 4 spontaneous smiles, Brett now smiles just because he is happy. Great improvements! On the other hand he has been having a pain in his left shoulder. When the nurses ask him if he wants medicine he normally turns them down, but he has been showing a great deal of pain by moaning. So the nurses skipped the asking and decided to give him pain meds anyways. They help his pain but also make him tired. On Monday Brett had a cat scan to see if there was any trauma to his shoulder, good news: nothing is wrong! The doctors are saying that it is from his limited mobility. From being in his wheelchair a lot and not moving it as often as before. Greta, Brett's mom is getting a little bit more comfortable with leaving Brett alone in his room, when she leaves she will leave a call light right there for him to use if he needs her, and sure enough when Greta was down the hall his call light went off. He is becoming more aware of his surroundings.

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